Featured collection
How It Works
Established 2023, Style Me Up is an authentic luxury borrowing service. With abundant styles from Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Saint Laurent, and SO much more-- you're guaranteed to fall in love!
We offer access to the world's most-coveted dresses, clothes and handbags at a fraction of the cost! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...
1. Book
Find your ideal dress via our website or in-store, we have 1000's to choose from! Enjoy a 4 or 8 -day hire, with bookings available 1 to 2 days before your event.
2. Wear
Either collect your dress from store or recieve your package via express post by your selected delivery date and enjoy your special occasion!
3. Return
You have the option to return the dress directly to our store, or simply pack it in the included postage-paid satchel and take it to your nearest Australia Post location. No cleaning is necessary!
Discover a world of style tailored just for you by booking an appointment to visit our store. Explore curated fashion and enjoy a personalised shopping experience like never before.
Appointments available Monday- Saturday, Sundays, Public Holidays and after hours available by request!